


In un liceo di Israele c’è stata una commovente sorpresa ad attendere Noga. Questa ragazza di 17 anni, colpita da tumore, aveva perso i suoi capelli in seguito alla chemioterapia  affrontata durante le vacanze. In occasione della ripresa dei corsi, per preparare i compagni di scuola al suo cranio rapato, aveva messo una sua foto su Instagram. E al suo arrivo ha trovato una geniale sorpresa:  60 favolosi compagni tutti rapati per accoglierla. “L’amore rende simili”. Auguri Noga, ce la farai senz’altro !


Dans un lycée d’Israël il y a eu une émouvante surprise à attendre Noga. Cette élève de 17 ans, malade de cancer, avait perdu ses cheveux à la suite du traitement chimiothérapeutique reçu pendant les vacances. A l’occasion de la reprise des cours, pour ne pas surprendre ses camarades d’école, elle avait posté sur Instagram une photo d’elle avec son crâne rasé. A son arrivée, elle a trouvé une géniale surprise : 60 merveilleux jeunes du lycée avaient aussi rasé leur crâne pour l’accueillir. “L’amour rend semblables”. Tous nos vœux à Noga, tu t’en sortiras!


A high school in Israel has witnessed a moving case of friendship for Noga. This 17 year old girl developed a cancer, received chemotherapy  and for that lost her hair during the holiday period. Before the resumption of classes, Noga, intending to prepare her school friends about her new hairless look, posted a photo of herself on their social network. Back at school she had the moving surprise of finding 60 magnificent male students welcoming her with their shaved heads. “Love makes us equal”. Best wishes Noga, you will surely overcome the disease.

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